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Fong Jia Wei.

Counter kisses!

Your photo here.

People who just get to know me think that I'm quiet and anti-social. Yet people who know me well prefers me to shut up. I'm also someone that strongly believes in confidence. I prefer to be optimistic in life than cry over spilt milk.

Family, sisters and brothers, friends, singing, love, money.
Maybe that's how I rank my life.

I don't live for love and don't live to please you.

P/S: Don't think you can judge me by just knowing my name.


I hearts AuditionSEA.

Ign: ~爱
Couple: -VIP-x33HER
Level: 22 Amatuer
Team: -
FAM: ~Wad~D~Puck~

Twit, twit.

Music. TRH. (c)

Hush Hush
Don't Forget
She Wolf


TRH. (c)!Get my subjects that I want for Sec3.
TRH. (c)!Promote to Sec3 Express.
TRH. (c)!Macbook.
TRH. (c)!Learn Japanese language.
TRH. (c)!Contact Lenses.
TRH. (c)!Kbox with JMJ.
TRH. (c)!At least 10 movies during the holidays.
TRH. (c)!Shopping spree with Cherz.
TRH. (c)!At least study abit during the holidays.

Last updated on: 26 October.


Click and Go.

Tag me if I left out your link/relink.
Happy blog-hopping! :)

The Priorities.

2C'o9 6E'o7 Dong Hui Dong Hui & Lay Koon Jenna Jia Jin Jia Mei Lay Koon Mei Ting


Alden Amelia Ashley Carin Carissa Cherie Cheryl Chiui Chu Hui Darryl Desiree Elizabeth Elon Emilia En Ping Eunice Eunice's blogshop Felicia Felyn Gladys Gui Qing Helyn Hui Si Irene James Jerry Jessie Jia Hui Jia Yi Jia Yi's blogshop Jian Lei Joey Jolene Kimberly Linus Lye Jun Marcus Ming Hui Ming Hui's blogshop Rachel Renee Rhesa Sarah Sean Shawn Sheryl Shirley Shi Rui Siang Ying Siew Kim Siu Hui Tahira Tammy Vivian Wan Qi Wei Jian Wen Yi Xuan Ru Yan Yee Teng Yen Yi Yong Hong Yuen Ling Yu Lin Zheng Wei


February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009

A round of applause.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x o

Sunday, November 1, 2009: Updatez.

This is Bendan, my honey. <:

Met with dearest at Tampines and train-ed down to Harbour Front.
We then walked to Vivo and bought the tickets for 'The Sister's Keeper'.
Then baby surprised me by walking to Harbour Front for Sakae but too bad the buffet's at 3-6PM.
So we headed back to Vivo for arcade.
I swear baby's a car game addict. -.-
Then we went toilet and baby surprised me again by buying me the xiaolongmao. :)

We then went to Daiso to buy my sweets for PGW and went back to arcade.
Went for movie after that, awesome and nice show! :D
After that was Sakae and we ate alot.

Met my dad at Clarke Quay after that and went to eat dinner and went for K.
The room's like super cool with disco effects and clapper stuffs, LOL.
Went home after that. <:


Had Learning Fiesta and it was very boring.
Cabbed to baby's house after that and played audi. (No lag one somemore.)
Had maggie mee cooked by his maid before that and it's quite nice. :)
Then when I was about to leave, his stupid brother said something to me.
He said I was shorter than him even though I'm sec2 and he's p5. -.-
Then went home and chatted on phone with baby and then his brother say he didn't call me short, he say he tall.

Anyway, happy birthday baby's motherrrr! ♥


Happy Halloween.

Woke up at 11AM and had brunch at Liang Court after that.
Had Japanese cuisine and it was delicious.
Headed to Robinson's and then I left for lessons.
The new teacher was like dam funny and he told as to sing two songs.
Blahblahblah then we left.
Headed to Ion for dinner and had chocolate ice cream there. :)
Went to Cineleisure for movie, 'Poker King'.
I rate it 4/5, very funny I swear! ^^
Home-d after that. :D

9:17 AM

Thursday, October 29, 2009: Pathetic? You then la.

Going out with zhu soon liaoz, so can't wait! :)

8:20 AM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009:

Well, got back my result slip today.
Was quite happy wth my results. -.-
My class position's 22/40 and my percentage's 62%.
Anyway, I just gotten one A- D&T.
I can actually get an A for literature too, one more mark! :(

Tomorrow's a holiday!
So I can go Vivo City with my zhuuuuuuuu! :)

So can't wait.

2:50 PM

Monday, October 26, 2009: Lvl22.

Pictures updated. :)
Anyway, managed to change my blogskin to the old one.
I've leveled to all thanks to xuan, my FAM friend. :D

1:19 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009: 22/10-25/10.


Went out with cousin to do some shopping, and met her at Ion for lunch first.
Had delicious chicken katsu then we went to Lido for movie, 'Imagine That'.
Fantastic movie, I rate 4.5/5!
Sibei funny+touching movie. :)
Went to Fareast and bought a pink tanktop.
Stayed there for around 1hour+ then was bored as we can't find any cheap and nice clothings. :\

So we headed to bugis st and my cousin bought 2 clothingz and I got none lorh!
Wanted to buy my NF shorts but it was too big or small for me.
Plus, the auntie(wait, ahma sounds nicer) was like kanasai.
Smlj sia, she was like, 'Walao, don't want buy try so many times for what!'.
Eh, please lorh, not suitable for me what. -.-!
So people don't buy from the shop on the second floor of bugis st, near the stairs de. (I think.)
She got bad temper de. :(

So we went to Iluma, straight 3 hours of lan.
Chiong-ed audi and 3 more percent to leveling! <:
After audi went for dinner and had chicken rice.
Went to walk a little more then home-d @ 10 plus. :D


Went to camp after school and had 2 hours of choir.
Then we had some ice breaking games and dinner.
They had some horror movie, 'The uninvited', then the leaders went shower.
After that had 2 night walks and they told us some lame stories. -.-
After that, slept in the music room! ^^

Next day was quite boring.
Had some morning exercise then breakfast.
Next was preparing some performace and we screwed the whole thing up.

Parents fetched me and dong to new house then brought dong home after that.
Went home to shower and had a short nap before going out for dinner. :)
Went for swensens(my craving!) then home-d.

Pictures next time, I promise. :D

4:30 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2009: Whatevaaaaaa.

Went out with my dad yesterday at night and went to sing K.
Had alot of thoughts coming and I promise myself to work hard and study during the holidays. :)

Anyway, my daddy was shocked (in a good way) when I said I gotten 62.5 for geog.
Funny or what manz!

Oh yeah, this is the most funny part of K.
A gay suddenly comes in and picks his song...
And asked me, 'Can you give me the mike? Thanks~'.
Ohmygod, you should hear how he speaks and how he walks.
Ridiculously horrifying!
Plus he sang all-girls songs and one of them was super loud.
Someone infront of us pointed at him and said, 'Very noisy leh.'.

After that ate tofu, hokkien mee and jiao zhi.
Went to fetch mummy then home. :D

Gonna go out with Li En soon to do some shopping at Far East!
First time shopping with cousin @ Orchard somemore. LOL.

P/S: When I'm happy, I sing. When I'm sad, I drink.


9:21 AM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009: Tired and upset.

Got back my results and shall not elaborate.
I'm just happy with my literature.
Alrightz, byebye.

3:50 PM